Book Excerpt: Building the Internet of Things

By Ken Briodagh November 23, 2016

Maciej Kranz, VP, Corporate technology Group, Cisco (News - Alert), has written a comprehensive and practical guide for enterprises looking to get the most out of IoT.

It’s called “Building the Internet of Things: A How-To Book on IoT” and in a recent blog post about the book, he wrote, “After several years of meeting with customers across all industries all over the world, I realized that while thousands of them have already started implementing IoT to improve their operations and transform their businesses, there were still so many who were trying to figure out how to translate all the promise and buzz around IoT into actionable plans in their organizations.”

This is an excerpt of the first chapter: Beyond the Hype—All You Actually Need to Know About IoT for Business. In it, Kranz outlines the growth potential of the IoT in realistic terms and explains what the stakes are for all of the companies and consumers taking part in the IoT.

Like it or not, the Internet of Things (IoT) will change your organization unlike anything before. It will change your organization more than business process reengineering (BPR), Six Sigma, lean manufacturing, agile computing, or any of the other business concepts that periodically pop up, experience success, and are forgotten when the next big thing arrives. Granted, to date most of IoT deployments have been incremental and evolutionary, streamlining an existing process here, cutting some costs or improving productivity there. That, however, is about to change as IoT ramps up, as standards are adopted, and as security is bolstered—all of which and more are in the works. So please don’t misunderstand me.

The Internet of Things certainly will be a big thing—an enormously big thing, actually. But it isn’t just the next big thing. IoT is the future—your industry’s future, your organization’s future, and probably your personal future. Welcome to the future. It’s spelled I-o-T. All this may seem like hype now, but it will prove in the end to be quite understated; IoT is very, very real.

So how does your business survive in this environment? How do you avoid the mortality we’ve seen among the S&P 500? That’s what this book is about—understanding this emerging change that has just begun to sweep over us and fi nding a strategy that will ensure your business and your career not only survive but thrive. The winners in this new era will recognize the changes occurring around us and be willing to adjust and re-learn, over and over again. They are Generation IoT.

Get the full book at the upcoming IoT Evolution Expo, February 7 to 10 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where Kranz will be a keynote speaker

Edited by Ken Briodagh

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