Sponsored Content: Three Reasons Businesses Benefit from Video Data

By Special Guest
Yuping Tseng, VP, Product Development, ThroughTek
November 21, 2016

This article is sponsored by ThroughTek.

The phrase “big data” has been popular in the business world for some years now. Yet the term has been used in so many different ways that you may still be confused about what it means and how your business can leverage it to spur growth.

Simply put, big data refers to the collection and analysis of sensor-driven or very large data sets. These data sets can be broken down to reveal important trends. Studying such trends can improve internal business processes and drive profits. In one study, 83 percent of professionals said they believe that big data makes products and services more profitable. Sixty percent stated that big data generates revenue for their companies.

One specific way your business can generate and benefit from its own big data is by leveraging information captured using video surveillance. Setting this up is easy: Combine IP-enabled cameras with a connected Internet of Things (IoT) platform, which can collect, manage and transform big data into refined and actionable insights.

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Edited by Ken Briodagh

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