The Definitive Guide-The Internet of Things for Business: A Book Review

By Chrissie Cluney November 28, 2016

The Definitive Guide – The Internet of Things for Business” (Aeris) isn’t one that a reader can tackle and finish in one day or one weekend. In it, Aeris (News - Alert) Chief Technology Officer Syed Zaeem Hosain explains everything your business needs to know about what exactly the IoT is and what its benefits can be.

Who coined the term “IoT” and what is the basic definition? British entrepreneur Kevin Ashton first named it in 1999, with the meaning: “to connect devices to the Internet so they can report their status or their local environment,” according to Hosain.

To delve deeper into this vast and fast-changing revolutionary technology, it is important to define other subcategories of IoT. There’s the “IoE” (Internet of Everything), the “IoT,” the “IIoT” (Industrial Internet of Things), and “M2M” (Machine to Machine). Each of these categories holds its own definition and methods for propelling businesses further into their field.

If you’re looking at the IoT topic from a consumer point of view, Hosain writes that you’ll recognize some very useful inventions, including some household items like the smart thermostat, intelligent lights, connected appliances, and smart door locks. The IoT can be used by people who are interested in becoming healthier with activity and fitness trackers, and smart glasses. Another way in which IoT has proven to benefit consumers’ lives is through the connected car with products like remote car controls, GPS navigation, and vehicle diagnostics.

This guide mainly discusses how enterprises can set up the IoT to work for their companies. In achieving this goal, it is important to know and understand the basic terms and attempt to understand what the IoT can accomplish.

One of the important ways in which your business can use IoT is through cellular connectivity. Hosain gives an in-depth history of the many forms of connectivity that have been introduced to the world, beginning in the 1980s. He also discusses the types that exist presently. He stressed that they are changing rapidly and that it should be expected to change.  

Security using IoT?
“Any device that is connected to the Internet is a risk of being hijacked,” said Edith Ramirez, chairperson, US Federal Trade Commission.

To ensure the safest experience possible, there are security measures that need to be addressed and then implemented. These include authenticating presence on multiple transport networks, authorizing for multiple types of services, scaling to manage the large number of devices in IoT solutions, automating the application for functionality, making sure that the app has long lifecycles, and implementing security updates in remote devices, Hosain states.

It is important to understand that every day there are new advancements and new inventions in the IoT world. In the future, the author posits, businesses and companies will adapt a concept of “IoT First.” This means that the products created will be designed from the beginning with IoT as the primary consideration.

Hosain does a remarkable job in describing IoT to the reader, and I encourage everyone working in the IoT to read this guide. Visit the website for more information.  

Edited by Ken Briodagh

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