OSIsoft Collaborates with AWS on Analytics and Releases New PI Integrator Edition

By Ken Briodagh April 24, 2018

OSIsoft, a leader in operational intelligence, has announced a collaboration with Amazon Web Services (News - Alert) (AWS) to develop services and capabilities to make it easier for customers to run sophisticated analyses on the massive volumes of industrial data from OSIsoft’s PI System. In addition, the company has released a new edition of PI Integrator for Business Analytics today to reduce the cost and complexity of industrial analytics and to bridge the gap between operations and IT.

The AWS collaboration reportedly will span major areas that include enabling data science in real-time, streamlining the deployment of the PI System on AWS, and enhancing operational data insights with Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensor data. OSIsoft is enhancing its PI Integrator for Business Analytics and reportedly will provide tight integration with major AWS services to help customers rapidly develop visual analytics, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) applications using operations data from the PI System along with data from critical enterprise applications. This will be accomplished by providing seamless connectivity to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Kinesis.

The companies will work together to provide quick-start deployment guides that encompass and enable best practices for running PI Systems on AWS. This initiative will allow customers to confidently, securely, and reliably deploy the PI System on AWS at scale. OSIsoft will provide interaction with data generated by gateway devices and IoT sensors that use AWS Greengrass, Amazon IoT Core data, and AWS IoT Analytics. Integration will be at multiple layers of AWS IoT, giving customers many different options for integrating the PI System on-premises or on the cloud, enabling preferred connectivity, and allowing for multiple hybrid cloud scenarios.

 “Our customers are looking for innovative ways to run analytics specifically designed for industrial IoT and this collaboration with OSIsoft provides the ability to easily act on the large volumes of data that are generated in industrial processes with AWS IoT Analytics,” said Dirk Didascalou, VP, Internet of Things, Amazon Web Services. “We are excited for this collaboration with OSIsoft and to work together to improve the scalability and flexibility of industrial IoT systems.”

The new edition of PI Integrator for Business Analytics Advanced Edition adds streaming data capabilities, delivering updates to stream-processing engines, data lakes, data warehouses, or multiple cloud platforms as changes to data sets occur. Streaming updates enable data scientists and machine learning algorithms to work with the most comprehensive and current data sets, allowing for better decision making and continual algorithm training.

With PI Integrator for Business Analytics Advanced Edition, a manufacturer could stream performance data from thousands of devices managed and stored within the PI System. Integrating with Microsoft’s (News - Alert) IoT Hub and Event Hub, streaming data can be utilized for continuous AI modeling for predictive analytics and analyze the financial impact of supply chain changes.

“It can take days, and even weeks, of custom coding to prepare large data sets for analytics. PI Integrator for Business Analytics Advanced Edition can reduce that to a few minutes,” said Chris Nelson, VP, Engineering at OSIsoft. “By slashing the painful busy work of data prep, PI Integrator technology paves the way for people to experiment with industrial analytics and ultimately transform their operations. It also helps ensure that organizations operate from a ‘single version of the truth’ because it is designed to synchronize data across multiple destinations and platforms.”

OSIsoft customers have adopted PI Integrators and integration technologies to serve up operational data to Microsoft Azure, Hadoop, ESRI (News - Alert) ArcGIS, SAP HANA, Oracle and other platforms. Customers that have taken advantage of PI Integrator technologies include CEMEX, the world’s largest cement manufacturer, which reduced the amount of time for extracting and preparing data from over 70 of its global sites for analysis in SQL Server from over 744 hours to less than five minutes. Deschutes Brewery, meanwhile, has been able to reduce production time for different beers by analyzing fermentation cycles through bringing PI System data to Azure. 

Ken Briodagh is a writer and editor with more than a decade of experience under his belt. He is in love with technology and if he had his druthers would beta test everything from shoe phones to flying cars.

Edited by Ken Briodagh

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