Itron Report Reveals State of International Resourcefulness

By Ken Briodagh October 02, 2018

In a recent announcement, Itron,?a company out to innovate the way utilities and cities manage energy and water,?debuted a landmark report detailing the current state of resourcefulness.?The 2018 Itron?Resourcefulness Report: An Analysis of International Energy and Water Trends?summarizes the key findings uncovered in an analysis of opinions sourced from more than 1,000 consumers and 1,018 utility executives, across 10 countries, five continents and all adult age groups.?The report reveals that?resourcefulness—defined as the thoughtful and careful use of energy and water—is top of mind for?utilities?and consumers alike, and?now, more than ever,?they?are ready to?take action?to create a?more?resourceful world.???

“The Itron Resourcefulness Report offers a wealth of knowledge on a number of topics. There were two key takeaways I found especially inspiring,” said Philip Mezey, president and CEO, Itron. “First, it’s clear that the global dedication to resourcefulness knows no borders—virtually every respondent was aligned on the fact that resourcefulness is important. This?is a critical milestone that we had to hit to continue improving. I was equally impressed by the personal accountability?expressed?by both utilities and consumers when it comes to upholding best practices for maximized efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability; this cohesive and community-wide approach to sustainability is the only way forward.”?

In analyzing the data that resulted from the responses,?the results point to?several key insights:

“The insights from the Itron Resourcefulness Report underscore the importance of collaboration?between?public and private sectors,” said Amy Aussieker, executive director, Envision Charlotte. “I was inspired by respondents’ concerns?for creating a more resourceful future and the sense of urgency from both groups. A community-wide passion for sustainability?was?critical to our success at Envision Charlotte,?where?we?worked?with commercial buildings in?Charlotte’s Uptown?to reduce their energy consumption by?19?percent over five years.?The?project was an innovative approach to driving energy efficiency and a cross-sector effort to make Charlotte a leader in smart and sustainable cities.?It was a win-win for us,?and the insights from this recent report affirm that collaboration is key.”

Ken Briodagh is a writer and editor with more than a decade of experience under his belt. He is in love with technology and if he had his druthers would beta test everything from shoe phones to flying cars.

Edited by Ken Briodagh

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