New Smart Level Monitoring Solution from Actility, Pepperl + Fuchs, and

By Alex Passett March 07, 2023

For those unfamiliar (or for any in need of a refresher), smart level monitoring and management refer to the use of IoT sensors to precisely measure and consistently monitor the levels of liquids (or similar substances) in tanks, containers, and other storage vessels. This monitoring can be conducted in real-time (or on periodic bases, settings dependent), and the importance here is not to be underrecognized: Monitoring vessels’ contents creates valuable insights for experts, as it can point to areas of improvement for operational efficiencies, safety assurances, and cost-saving opportunities. It also helps organizations optimize inventory management, prevent undue overflows, spills or equipment damage or downtime. These are only a few examples; the comprehensive list goes on.

Enter a multi-pronged partnership announced in late February: Actility, in a joint effort with Pepperl + Fuchs and, now offers a fresh IoT solution for smart level monitoring and management.

Let’s break this down with the what, how, and where:

Also included are additional sensors that can be set to record at adjustable time intervals (and can be synced with the WILSEN mobile app), plus a pre-installed and configured LTE (News - Alert) gateway for SMBs or other area use cases (e.g. private parking, school campuses, or exhibit centers).

Actility, Pepperl + Fuchs, and together have devised an IoT solution that even beverage, dairy, petroleum, and pharmaceutical sectors are getting behind.

Edited by Greg Tavarez

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