“We think big, design small, and are reinventing IoT.”
With investors that range from Amazon and Samsung to Qualcomm and PepsiCo, it’s clear that everything-IoT company Wiliot is making waves.
Wiliot seeks to transform manufacturing, distribution, and real-world product use cases by enabling a new level of real-time awareness for “every single thing” – and they mean it. In Wiliot’s words, “From computer chips to chocolate chips, from pharmacy drugs to pleated denim, and from vaccines to veggies, there’s virtually no product out there that can’t benefit from our item-level awareness.”
Key to Wiliot’s mission are Wiliot IoT Pixels and Wiliot Cloud.
Wiliot IoT Pixels are basically postage stamp-sized, self-powered computer devices; no batteries necessary. By harvesting radio waves, Wiliot IoT Pixels connect with ease and even deliver sensing functionalities like location and temperature. With essentially no limits (and they’re embeddable and operate with minimal low-cost infrastructure), the Wiliot IoT Pixel plan is full steam ahead for container fill levels and product proximity, as well as for identifying product shipments and misshipments, tracking cold chain items in transit, gaining immediate product insights, and reducing waste.
Wiliot Cloud plays right into this. Tightly integrated with its IoT Pixels, the Wiliot Cloud works like this: Chips embedded in the IoT Pixels send encrypted and authenticated packets over the air while the Wiliot Cloud provides decryption, authentication, access control, and smart-sensor processing. This ensures that data remains private, and that actionable and subscribable insights are generated to better inform operations. This transformation of raw sensory data powers security, serialization, and much more.
In short, Wiliot’s IoT Pixels and Cloud go hand in hand. That context is important here, as it leads to the following news:
Wiliot’s ambient IoT Visibility Platform – comprised of the IoT Pixels and Cloud – has achieved a breakthrough via humidity sensing and analyzation for individual products.
I touched on temperature while initially describing IoT Pixels, but this has expanded. By adding humidity sensing to the platform, Wiliot has made it possible for companies to better ensure product safety, integrity, freshness and sustainability, particularly when it comes to moisture-sensitive products. Enabling such continuous, sensitive monitoring hits a level of traceability that goes beyond much of what’s been done before. This will transform the handling of products that people consume and depend on, while also promoting responsible resource utilization.
Why? Because products, of course, have different humidity handling requirements. Be it food or pharmaceuticals or electronics, this establishes a new baseline for the precise handling of products and product freshness, efficacy, and safety.
“This is game-changing technology,” said Thaddeus Segura, VP of Data Products and Algorithms at Wiliot. “By adding humidity sensing, companies can deliver impeccable quality to their customers with real-time operational insights.”
I’d wager Segura is right on the money there. Wiliot’s platform – IoT Pixels and Cloud alike – are in a category of their own when it comes to the Internet of Things. While a great many approaches to IoT are riddled with complexities, this keeps thing simple and effective.
Edited by
Greg Tavarez